Nicolas is a bio-organic tattoo artist at Croniq Tattoo in Quebec City, Quebec. He spends his time tattooing, painting, skateboarding or hanging out with his dog Gaston.
To learn more about Nicolas or to view more of his works please visit him on his Instagram
Trinity: Why did you become a tattoo artist?
Nicolas: I become a tattoo artist thanks to Vincent Nadeau, he gave me my chance almost 5 years ago and if it wasn’t for him I’d probably not be tattooing today. I went to university to become a graphic designer. Tattoos have always been a passion for me but I just thought that the industry was inaccessible to me.
T: How did you learn to tattoo?
N: Vincent took me in as an apprentice and taught me all the basics. After that is has been trial and error like everyone else.
T: Tell me about your style?
N: I do bio-organic; it’s a style that is not well known but that I’m super passionate about! There’s no limit to my imagination! I like to take my inspiration from nature. I love the textures and organic shapes pulled from my everyday environment. A mix created between man and nature is a direction I love to take artistically. Post apocalypse and sci-fi/aliens also make up my work environment!

T: What is the most memorable reaction that you have received?
N: My most memorable reaction is for sure when I went to the convention in Toronto. I got the best public reaction by far. Many of the artists that were there, with a lot more experience than me, were congratulating me on the pieces I had created. It’s really motivating when you can get recognition like that from people we admire professionally! It pushes me to go even further!
T: What do you like and dislike about the industry?
N: What I love about my job is when clients give me creative freedom with their project in my style. It’s gratifying to have such blind confidence from a client like that, especially since most of them you’ve only known for about an hour. Unfortunately in this line of work you have all kinds of clients and not everyone respects the art as much. No shows are a good example.
T: Which piece are you most proud of?
N: I actually have two pieces in mind that I am most proud of. One of my closest friends never wanted tattoos but decided to give me one of his legs to tattoo with complete creative freedom in bio-mechanical with a galaxy background based on photos from NASA of black holes and stars exploding. I had used all of my accumulated knowledge from the past four years and the results so far are something I am still proud of today. The second is a client and friend that gave me creative freedom on a half body suit in bio-mechanical style and it’s a client that was so motivated about this piece he even followed me to the Toronto convention. This tattoo got a lot of attention and positive reactions and I have to admit, once healed I quite liked the results. Both pieces are still a work in progress unfortunately.

T: Tell me something you love and why?
N: I Love my big bulldog Gaston because he has the grace of a rock but thinks of himself like a gentleman. I’m probably going to get him a bow tie soon.
T: What is your ultimate goal professionally?
N: My ultimate goal is to gain enough experience that I can start giving seminaries and have guest spots for artists I find inspirational, have enough clients everywhere I want to visit, do conventions in the USA and Europe but honestly for me the convention in Hell City would be really special. I would like to develop my skills, artistic talent and push myself to another level. I’d like to become the type of tattoo artist who is motivates others and is a good example for the next generation.
T: If you can improve the industry, where would you start?
N: I would start by legitimating tattooing, to try and stop the problem of “scratchers”. I know there are good artists out there that work from home but we have to protect the consumer by teaching them about the dangers and risks of cross-contamination, negligence, questionable equipment and environment associated with cheap tattoos done by a friend of a friend in his kitchen. I believe it’s all related to supply and demand, reduce the demand and you reduce the problem.

T: 2015 has been a year of a lot of discoveries for you; you got sponsored and done a lot of conventions. What do you think about the experience?
N: 2015 has been very eventful!! I’ve really enjoyed myself!! I’ve met so many influential artists and people who are fun to be around. A very enriching experience personally.
T: What did you discover and what did you love the most?
N: I really discovered Canada! I discovered another world and opened myself up to what is going on in the industry in other places. I had to get used to unexpected situations due to transport and organisation, but I also got to meet people who are talented and passionate. I met some idols in the industry with whom I had enriching conversations and I’ve had several personal experiences that have really let me grow as a person. I really enjoyed travelling, to have each 4-5 days be filled with memorable experiences.
T: What do you want to improve in 2016?
N: I know my weaknesses and I’m working on improving them every chance I get. I want to become more productive and improve my style, my compositions and my application. I also have several interesting projects with the shop coming up in the next few months/years that’s really going to help us standout artistically and commercially, I’m really excited to push the machine!

T: Have you ever met one of your idols? If so which one? Is there something that surprised you about this artist?
N: This year I had the chance to meet so many artists who have really influenced my career and I think the thing that surprised me the most is that the majority of them are very open and easy to talk to. Everyone was so welcoming and inviting. I was even being offered guest spots and invitations to conventions after meeting someone for only 20 minutes while drinking a beer during the convention!
T: If you could ask any artist one question, what would it be?
N: If I could ask a question to any artist it’d be Salvador Dali. I’d like to understand the depth of his creative genius! What a character!