Allie is a tattoo artist originally from Vaudreuil, Quebec but now lives and works in Guelph, Ontario with her adorable pug Clementine.
Check out all of Allie's work (or just to see her pug) visit her Instagram or Facebook
Trinity: Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you get started tattooing? How long have you've been a tattoo artist?
Allie: I fell into tattooing a few years ago and have been working for about 3 years, now. I got incredibly lucky in a sort of "right place at the right time" situation and was offered an apprenticeship under Jeff Wiet at Expressions in Vaudreuil. It was never really something I had considered until the opportunity came up so I'm incredibly appreciative of him seeing potential in me and my drawings. I ended up starting my apprenticeship while studying Illustration and Design and started working full time once I finished in June 2015. Jeff was incredibly flexible when it came to my schooling which helped a lot!

T: Tell us a bit about your style. What subjects do you prefer to tattoo?
A: I love tattooing anything ornamental or nature related. I've been doing a lot of blackwork/dotwork/etching lately which has been so much fun but I also enjoy illustrative colour work when I get the chance to do it. Basically, give me flowers, animals and mandalas every day and I'll be a very happy lady!
T: Who are some tattoo artists who inspire you and why?
A: It's really hard for me to list specific artists who inspire me because I definitely feel influenced by so many artists for different reasons. Whether it's composition, their drawing style, or their application, it's easy to be inspired by anyone. One of my favourites right now is Alice Carrier because of her colour palettes and the way she arranges and draws flowers. Another artist I've been really into is Savannah Colleen who does stunning ornamental and floral work.

T: Do you find it hard being a female tattoo artist? Do you feel like there is still some stigma around it?
A: I personally haven't found it harder to be a female tattoo artist but I'm also very new to the industry and have been lucky in terms of working with very supportive, humble and non judgmental people. I couldn't really say whether I feel there's a stigma because I haven't personally felt it, luckily!
T: Is there anything you've been itching to tattoo on someone? Is there a dream piece you’d love to create?
A: I have so many ideas in my head that I'd love to tattoo but need to put down on paper first! I wouldn't call any of them "dream pieces" but more cute little concepts I think would look good as tattoos. I'm a big fan of puns and not taking myself seriously.

T: Do you think coming from a background in illustration has helped you improve as a tattoo artist?
A: I definitely feel like my background in illustration helped me a lot. My time in school helped me with developing my style and juggling a lot of projects at once but I also found it hard to stray from some rules in illustration that don't necessarily apply to tattooing and vice versa.
T: What are some things that you love doing when you’re are not in the studio? Do you have any hobbies?
A: I don't do too much other than drawing and tattooing to be honest. I like trying to make different types of art like wood burning and painting on my downtime. When I get the chance I like to hang out with my dog, go exploring, or do anything creative.

T: What advice would you give other girls who want to pursue tattooing as a career?
A: Just surround yourself with as many supportive people as possible and try to learn from everyone you meet.

T: What moments have stood out for you? What has been your favorite thing about being a tattoo artist?
A: My favourite thing about being a tattoo artist is the trust my clients give me to have fun with their pieces. It's so flattering and I feel incredibly lucky to just do my thing and have a good response to my work.